Hydroponic Grow System: How to Grow Flowers at Home? (2023)

Written by Linus Li


Posted on June 29 2023


  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing Flowers to Grow Hydroponically
  3. Creating the Right Environment
  4. Harvesting and Maintaining the System
  5. Conclusion


Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Nutrients are dissolved and delivered to the roots through a water-based solution. Growing flowers hydroponically offers many benefits, like producing blossoms all year round in a controlled environment. There are a variety of hydroponic systems suitable for growing cut flowers, including deep water culture, nutrient film technique, and wick systems.

View more 10 flowers hydroponically guide here.

Choosing Flowers to Grow Hydroponically

Some of the easiest flowers to grow hydroponically are petunias, marigolds, and zinnias. They thrive with minimal care and produce abundant blooms. More difficult flowers to grow hydroponically include dahlias, orchids, and geraniums, which require more precise environmental controls and specialized care.

When choosing which flowers to grow, consider perennials like gerbera daisies and tuberous begonias versus annuals like marigolds and zinnias.

Hydroponic flowers

Creating the Right Environment

Creating the right environment for hydroponic flowers involves adjusting temperature, lighting, and nutrients.


Day and night temperatures are crucial for the optimal growth and flowering of hydroponic cut flowers. Different varieties have unique temperature requirements that must be met. Heating and cooling options like fans, vents, AC, or aquarium heaters can help maintain stable temperatures year-round. Monitor temperatures closely with thermometers and adjust as needed.


Proper light intensity, duration, and spectrum are essential for hydroponic cut flowers. Most varieties need high light levels to flower well. Provide at least 16 to 18 hours of light per day. Specialized grow lights can supply the specific wavelengths flowers need for blooming.


Monitoring and adjusting the pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and nutrient ratios in the solution are critical to avoid deficiencies. Different flowers have different needs, so follow guidelines specific to each variety. Deficiencies may impact blooming, stem length, or flower size, so monitor plants closely and adjust nutrients as symptoms appear.

In summary, by dialing in the precise temperature, lighting, and nutrient conditions for each variety of hydroponic cut flowers, you can maximize their growth and flowering potential. Consistent blooms require an environment that closely matches each flower's unique requirements. With some experimentation, proper environmental controls can be established to create ideal conditions for continuous harvests of beautiful, bountiful hydroponic cut flowers. Some pests and diseases issues you have to check.


Hydroponic flowers


Harvesting and Maintaining the System

a. Harvesting

For hydroponic cut flowers, wait until blooms are fully opened before harvesting. Cut stems just above a leaf node or branch using clean, sharp shears. Remove any lower leaves that will be below the water line. Change the nutrient solution in the system after harvesting to provide fresh nutrients for new growth.

b. Cleanup and Disinfection

Thoroughly clean and disinfect all parts of the system between crops to prevent disease issues. Soak grow medium, baskets, lids, and trays in a hydrogen peroxide solution, then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Allow all parts to air dry completely before reusing.

c. Repotting Perennials

For perennial cut flowers like gerbera daisies and tuberous begonias, transplant to fresh growing media once per year. Change nutrient solution, wash, and sanitize the system before repotting. This can stimulate new growth and increase flowering.

d. Storing the System

When not in use, store the hydroponic system by draining and drying all parts. Clean and sanitize well before long-term storage. Cover trays, reservoirs, and grow lights to protect from dust. Together, these maintenance tasks - from thorough harvesting and sanitation to repotting perennials and properly storing the system - can help optimize your hydroponic cut flowers for continuous, bountiful harvests year after year. With a clean, disease-free system and fresh growing media for your plants, you can set yourself up for long-term success.


Hydroponic flowers



In summary, the keys to success with hydroponic cut flowers are providing the optimal environment for each variety, monitoring nutrients closely to avoid deficiencies, and maintaining the system through cleaning, disinfecting, and reporting as needed. Although harvesting may decrease initially while you dial in temperatures, lighting, and nutrients, with time and experience, your system will produce continuous, bountiful crops of colorful blossoms.

As your system becomes established, consider expanding it by adding different varieties of flowers to harvest. Rotating between annuals and perennials can prolong your growing season and increase variety. With patience and a willingness to experiment, hydroponics offers an effective alternative for ornamental growers to produce beautiful-cut flowers all year long.

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